11 July 2024

The Thai Consular Office in Hong Kong has issued a warning today, for Thai travellers to and those living in the Chinese territory, of possible violent demonstrations by pro-democracy protesters, which may disrupt the public transport system.

It advised Thai people to be prepared to face inconvenience, to avoid the protest sites and to exercise greater caution.

The taking pictures of protesters or police should also be avoided, said the office, adding that they should refrain from doing anything which could be deemed as provocative by the protesters or police.

Thais in Hong Kong can access updates on the protests by logging into the website of the Hong Kong Police and can check MRT information and flights by logging into their respective websites:

Or they can call emergency lines at (+852) 6821-1545 or (+852) 6821-1546 or the call centre of Department of Consular Service (+66) 25728442