11 July 2024

Three memoranda of understanding (MoU) were signed today between South Korea and Thailand during Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s official visit to the country, taking place from November 24th to November 27th.

The first is the MoU between Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and South Korea’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Communications.  It is intended to promote bilateral cooperation in scientific research and development.

The second is between South Korea’s Office of Trade and Investment Promotion and Thailand’s Office of the Committee for the Eastern Economic Corridor to promote development of the business sector and industries between the two countries.

The third is for the exchange of information about Illegal Thai labour in South Korea.

Prime Minister Prayut met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pusan today, when the Thai Prime Minister praised South Korea for supporting Thailand’s ASEAN chairmanship this year and South Korea’s increasing role in Southeast Asia.

The Thai Prime Minister reportedly urged South Korean companies to invest in 4.0 industries and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) in Thailand, noting that South Korea has expertise and technology related to electric cars, bio-engineering and robotics.