11 July 2024

Governor of Phayao Province Narongsak Osatanakorn, said yesterday that the dramatic rescue operation at Tham Luang cave in Chiang Rai three months ago should be an inspiration for people all over the world to help others.

Narongsak was speaking after being honoured at a dazzling ceremony of the  Asia Game Changer Awards in New York for his role in coordinating the rescue operation that saved the lives of the 12 young soccer players and their coach “with effiency and grace.”

“I hope this experience inspires people to start living for others,” he said.  “That would be a game changer for the world,” said Narongsak who was joined on the stage by Adul Sam-on, one of the 12 rescued Thai boys and  Ekkapol Chantawong, the soccer coach who was instrumental in helping the trapped young soccer players cope with the traumatic experience.

Asia Society organize the annual Asia Game Changer Awards to recognize individuals and institutions who have broken barriers, defined courage, worked miracles, and in turn inspired their fellow citizens of the world.

In addition to Narongsak,  Asia Society also recognized eight other individuals and groups on Tuesday, including  Wang Shi, the Chinese real estate developer and great advocate for environmental sustainability; Mira Rai, child soldier turned champion distance runner from Nepal; Munjed Al Muderis, a doctor who fled Iraq only to become a pioneering surgeon in Australia; the founders of Koolulam, a musical initiative buildings bridges through song in Israel; the remarkable, award-winning Afghan Girls Robotics Team; heroes who saved lives during Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster; the incomparably brave and determined White Helmets of Syria; and Indra Nooyi, the barrier-shattering chairman and former CEO of PepsiCo,