Thai citizens in Indonesia have been warned by the Thai embassy in Jakarta to exercise extreme caution when travelling around Indonesia’s capital and to avoid areas where protests are being held.

In a situation report on Wednesday, the Thai embassy said that six local people died and about 200 others were injured when protests in Jakarta against the election results turned violent on Tuesday night.

The demonstrators torched buildings and cars and engaged in a fight with the police and military.

The embassy said there is still a risk of violent protests recurring in Jakarta and other cities, such as Medan, as protesters get into confrontations with the authorities.

If any Thais in Indonesia need help, they can contact the embassy by phone or online.

In a televised address on Wednesday, President Joko Widodo said the volatile situation, some of the worst political violence Indonesia has seen in recent decades, was under control.

However, he insisted he would not tolerate anyone “who disrupts security, the democratic processes or unity of our beloved nation.”

Former special forces general Prabowo Subianto, the other contender in the presidential election, said he will challenge the election results in the Constitutional Court.

The Indonesian police raised the alert for public order and safety to highest level from May 22nd to May 25th.