11 July 2024

After recording 11 new COVID-19 infections on Thursday and Friday, Thailand reported just one new infection and no fatalities today (Saturday).

CCSA assistant spokesperson Dr. Panprapha Yongtrakul said that the new patient is a Thai student, who was in a group of 39 people, mostly students, who arrived from Saudi Arabia, via Malaysia. They have been in state quarantine in Narathiwat since May 25th.

The patient developed a fever, cough, sore throat and breathing difficulties before he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 28th.

In the fortnight since the second phase of lockdown restriction easing, Dr. Panprapha said that there have been 52 new cases, with 80% of them being among those who arrived from abroad and entered state quarantine. The remainder were locally acquired.  There have been 140 cases in state quarantine.

“Nine locally acquired infections is a satisfactory number, because it shows that new infections are steadily slowing. We must, however, remain vigilant and keep our guard up, especially during the third phase of relaxations,” said the CCSA assistant spokesperson.

Cumulative infections in Thailand are 3,077. 16 more people are reported today to have got better, bringing total recoveries to 2,961, with 59 others still in hospital.  The death toll remains 57.

Bangkok ranks tops the national list for infections, with 1,535, followed by Phuket with 227, 158 in Nonthaburi, 125 in Yala, 23 in Songkhla, 18 in Satun, 13 in Pattani, 24 in Chon Buri, 7 in Narathiwat, 3 in Krabi and 14 cases in Samut Prakan.

Worldwide there have been 6,031,023 cases, with 125,608 new cases reported today (Saturday).   2,658,676 people have recovered, while 366,812 have died. The US has the most infections, with 1,793,530 cases. Thailand ranks the 77th.

According to a Bangkok Poll, by Bangkok University, which gauged the opinions of 1,205 people on how the extended state of emergency has affected them, 57.9% said it has had little or no effect on their livelihood, their work or their schooling. 42.1% responded, however, that the measure has severely affected them.

61.8% of the respondents said they were slightly worried with the first phase of easing of lockdown restrictions. For the second phase, 61.6% said that they are slightly worried, while 32.6% admitted they are moderately worried and 5.8% said they are very worried.

80.5% of the respondents are most worried about the reopening of pubs and bars. 77.6% are most worried about the reopening of boxing and sports stadia, while 46.2% are most anxious about the reopening of cinemas.