11 July 2024

Fah Talai Jone is a well-known medicinal plant in Thailand. The leaves are traditionally used to make an exceedingly bitter tea, to treat a number of illnesses, including fevers and infections.

Now, the popular Thai herb is also being used in the treatment of mild COVID-19 symptoms in “green level” patients who are not pregnant or breastfeeding and have no underlying diseases.

The patient will receive a pack of 45 capsules of Fah Talai Jone. 3 capsules are to be taken after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each dose contains 60 milligrams of Andrographolide, to help them fight the disease.

Thai experts say the Andrographolide in Fah Talai Jone is effective in stopping the spread of the COVID-19 if given in large enough quantities and administered quickly after getting infected, to prevent the virus from entering the lungs and causing pneumonia.