11 July 2024

Thai durians caused pandemonium at a post office in a German town in Bavaria, sending six postal workers to hospital and causing the complete evacuation of the facility, according to a CNN report.

The incident took place last Saturday at a post office in Schweinfurt, after staff noticed a pungent smell emanating from a package.

A statement from Schweinfurt police said that, due to the unknown content of the package, it was initially unclear whether the suspect contents posed a risk, adding that 12 postal workers, who complained of nausea, had to be taken care of on site and six were sent to hospital as a precaution.

Six ambulances and seven other emergency vehicles rushed to the scene.

The entire post office building was evacuated, with around 60 employees forced to leave before the package could be examined.

The package was found to contain four Thai durian fruits, being sent to a local resident from a friend in Nuremberg. The fruit was eventually delivered to its intended recipient.

This is not the first time that durians have caused a problem. In November 2018, an Indonesian aircraft was temporarily grounded after a passenger complained about a foul smell in the cabin.