11 July 2024

Thailand recorded one new COVID-19 infection today, bringing the cumulative total to 3,018, and no new fatalities.


CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin praised public health volunteers in the northern province of Chiang Mai for locating the new patient, a 39-year old man who used to work in Phuket and arrived in his hometown on May 2nd with his wife and children.

The patient did not exhibit any symptoms on arrival in Chiang Mai, Dr. Taweesin said, as he urged everyone returning to their hometowns from Phuket to go for free coronavirus tests at state hospitals.


The country’s death toll stands at 56 and the number of patients who have recovered has increased by six to 2,850. 112 are still in hospital.

49 provinces have not reported any new infections in the past 28 days and 9 provinces remain completely free from infections.


At the daily news briefing today, Dr. Taweesin said that lung infections in Thailand have decreased substantially this year, because most Thais have been wearing face masks while they are out-doors, eating hot food and washing their hands regularly.

He dismissed suggestions that the Government might not have told the whole truth about the real number of COVID-19 infections by concealing them among figures for other diseases, such as lung infections.


Regarding measures to prevent the feared second wave of infections, as Thailand approaches the second phase of lockdown relaxations next week, Dr. Taweesin said a tracing application, named Thai Chana (Thai Victory), has been developed and will be introduced in all businesses which are allowed to reopen.

He said businesses can register online for the application and will receive a QR code, which can be posted in front of their premises for customers to scan when entering and exiting.


With the online tracing system, customers can be tracked and text messages will be sent to them in case they need to be tested, because a customer visiting the same venue has tested positive for COVID-19.

All business operators, even street food vendors, can register for the system.


Meanwhile, an ad hoc committee, tasked with considering the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, has been discussing the possibility of moving the start of the night curfew 11 pm, instead of 10 pm.