11 July 2024

At least 100 people are estimated to have been killed in Myanmar’s Sagaing Region by air strikes today (Tuesday), according to multiple local news reports, as a large village,called Pazigyi in Kantbalu Township, was targeted by the air force.

The dead, mostly villagers, were attending a building opening ceremony when the jet fighter and helicopter attack commenced.

Local news media, such as Myanmar Now and Khit Thit, report that most of the dead were shot to pieces as a large number of people tried to escape the initial bombing.

Their witnesses on the ground, people from nearby villages and anti-government forces claim that most victims, many of them women and children, could not be identified due to the impact of the attacks.

The parallel National Unity Government has issued a statement about the attack, calling it another indiscriminate war crime committed by Myanmar’s military-run government.

The government is yet to issue a statement on the incident.