11 July 2024

The Bhumjaithai Party’s registrar has warned the Move Forward Party and its leader, Pita Limjaroenrat, that they may be accused of defying the Constitution, if it interferes with the transfer of Public Health Ministry officials.

Yesterday (Thursday), Move Forward issued a written statement, signed by Pita, opposing the Ministry’s transfer of Dr. Supat Hasuwannakit, director of Chana District Hospital and head of Rural Doctors’ Society, to the post of director of Saba Yoi District Hospital, also in Songkhla Province, claiming that the move was politically motivated.

The registrar, Suphachai Jaismut, explained that transfers of officials within a ministry is a common occurrence in the state sector and the transfer of an efficient official for the benefit of the people is quite normal.

It is impossible for an official to remain in a post at one place indefinitely, he said, adding that transfers are based on regulations, suitability and for public interest.

Suphachai pointed out that Dr. Supat has developed close connections with the Move Forward Party, adding that when the Future Forward Party, its predecessor, was dissolved by the court, Dr. Supat turned to Facebook to urge supporters to protest against the court’s ruling.

Dr. Supat, said the Bhumjaithai registrar, has often been critical of the Public Health Ministry’s performance.

He cited Section 185 of the Constitution, which prohibits MPs or senators from making use of their positions to interfere with the performance of state agencies, including transfers of officials, either directly or indirectly.