11 July 2024

Water in the Mekong River along the northeastern border province of Nakhon Phanom is receding, enabling water in the tributaries to flow in a larger volume into the the main river, according to provincial governor Somchai Witdamrong.

The Mekong water level was measured 11.42 metres on Thursday morning, about 1.60m below the maximum level of 13m, and is receding by about 10 centimetres per day.

The Nakhon Phanom irrigation office has installed more water-pushing machines and water pumps at various water gates along the Nam Kam stream, discharging about 25 million cubic metres per day, up from 18-20 million cu/m, into the Mekong River.

More water is also being drained into the main river from Nam Oon and Song Khram streams.

However, about 30 houses in Tambon Si Songkhram and 150 houses in Tambon Thabo Songkhram of Si Song Khram district are still flooded, and about 50,000 rai of farmland inundated.

Mr Somchai said 10 districts have been declared disaster zones with 13,724 people in 878 villages being affected and 28 houses, two schools, two temples, 111 roads and 179,704 rai of farmland damaged.

The situation is expected to improve without more rain, he said.