11 July 2024

Three tropical depressions detected in the South China Sea and a cyclone in the Andaman Sea will have limited impacts on Thailand, according to Chawalit Chantararat, an expert from the TEAM Group.

He said that the first tropical depression, expected in make landfall in Da Nang in Vietnam tomorrow (Saturday), will bring moderate rain and isolated heavy showers to Thailand’s north-eastern region, eastern coast, Bangkok and its surroundings.

The second tropical storm, anticipated from October 17th to 19th, will not enter Thailand and the third will not make landfall. The cyclone, detected in the Andaman Sea, may bring moderate rain to the southern region, according to the expert.

The Meteorological Department report today that a tropical storm has been located in the South China Sea, about 527km to the southeast of Da Nang in Vietnam, with wind speeds of 55kph at its centre.

The storm is moving west-north-west at a speed of 15kph and is expected to develop into a tropical storm. It is expected to hit Da Nang either today or tomorrow and will rapidly weaken.

This weather condition may bring additional rain, with isolated heavy showers to the north-eastern and eastern regions of Thailand as well as Bangkok and its peripherals.