11 July 2024

Customers who bought online lottery tickets from Kong Salak Plus online lottery platform can receive real printed versions from Department of Special Investigation (DSI) officials stationed at the online lottery company’s building on Sukhumvit Soi 63. Prizes can then be claimed at the Government Lottery Office (GLO).

There is a draw today (Wednesday).

DSI officials, led by Deputy Director-General Pol Maj Yuthana Praedam, went to the Kong Salak Plus office today to supervise their staff in the distribution of hard copy lottery tickets to online buyers who have won then can claim the prizes from the GLO or lottery traders who agree to hand out the prize money at a small fee, 1.5% of the win.

Kong Salak Plus CEO Panthawat Nakvisut reported to the DSI office on Tuesday to acknowledge charges of money laundering and organising illegal gambling. He denied all the charges.

He promised to look after all the company’s customers who win the prizes adding, however, that DSI officials will not notify customers who win the prizes, as the company did

Kong Salak Plus offered home-delivery service to customers who won big prizes as a special service, so they did not have to come to the office to claim them.

The Ministry of Digital Economy and Society has also ordered the company’s online platform shut down, as recommended by the DSI, leaving the company unable to sell online tickets. The DSI has also frozen the company’s bank accounts pending the outcome of the investigation

The shutdown order awaits a decision from the Criminal Court, which has scheduled a hearing on the matter next Monday.