11 July 2024

His Majesty the King has sent a message of condolence to the President of Indonesia following a devastating earthquake in Indonesia’s Sulawesi and tsunami in Donggala and Palu last week.

“I am deeply saddened to learn about the powerful earth quake on Sulawesi island and the tsunami in Donggala and Palu, which has resulted in heavy casualties and damage to properties and infrastructure,” said His Majesty in the message released Saturday (Oct 6).

“I, on behalf of all Thai people, would like to express heartfelt condolences to you and the people of Indonesia, especially the families affected by and losing family members in this disaster,” said the King.

His Majesty also expressed his hope to see a speedy recovery from the disaster in Indonesia.

An earthquake of 7.5 magnitude struck Sulawesi on Friday, 28 September; nearly 30 minutes later, waves six metres high hit the town of Palu as a tsunami raged through.

More than 66,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged following the tragedies.

The death toll following this dual tragedy is reported at 1,649 lives lost.