11 July 2024

The Democrat party today unveiled its team of, what they call, ‘Avengers’ who will help drive the party’s ideas for a new economy.

The Avengers team are all people who have experience working with international organizations or are successful executives in the private sector.

The head of the team, Mr. Prinn Panitchpakdi, deputy party leader in charge of economic affairs, is a trained economist well versed in the new economy. He used to work at the National Innovations Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

The other team members are Mr. Ath Hemvijitraphan, Mrs. Holly Amranand, Mr. Nawee Nakwatchara, Mr. Sanjay Popli, Ms. Piyada Punnakittikasem, Mr. Poramin Insom and Mr. Somsak Boonkham.

Mr. Ath is an expert in green energy and former executive of Shell (Thailand) who has spent almost his entire career in the energy industry.

Mrs. Holly is a campaigner for women’s rights and breast cancer. She is a tough single mom, who has been fighting breast cancer and, at the same time, raising her children and working.  She was named ambassador for the Breast Cancer Centre Foundation under Royal patronage.

Mr. Nawee is an expert in local innovations who has extensive experience in rural development and the grassroots economy.  He was awarded the Ashoka Fellow in 2008 by the Ashoka Foundation.

Mr. Sanjay is an expert in block-chain and chief strategy officer of Cryptomind group that operates a one-stop service for block-chain in Thailand.

Mr. Somsak is an expert in the development of sustainable premium tourism and founder of Local Alike, a tourism start-up.

Ms. Piyada is a social media guru and an expert in marketing and tourism.  She is currently a lecturer at the business administration faculty of Panyapiwat Management Institute.