11 July 2024

A panel Constitutional Court judges convened at about 10am this morning, to deliberate over the case in which Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is accused, by the opposition Pheu Thai Party, of illegally overstaying in the official residence of the army commander-in-chief, in violation of the Constitution.

Steel barriers have been erected to form a 50-metre restricted zone around the court building, to prevent protesters from getting too close. A verdict is scheduled to be delivered at 3pm.

Only those who are directly involved in the case, namely Prime Minister Prayut, Pheu Thai Party’s representatives, their lawyers and security officials, will be allowed into the courtroom. Others can watch the proceedings via its YouTube channel or hear it on a PA system installed in the front courtyard.

Maximum security has been imposed around the court and police have been deployed at the scene.

The prime minister is accused of violating Sections 170 (4), 160 (5), 170 (5), 186 (1) and 184 (3) of Thailand’s Constitution. If he is found guilty, he will lose his premiership and his entire cabinet will be forced out of the office.

The prime minister earlier said that he will respect the court’s ruling, whatever the outcome.

Related story: Maximum security for PM’s judgement day at Thailand’s Constitutional Court