11 July 2024

The Sri Nakarin Dam National Park, in the western Thai province of Kanchanaburi, has banned camping on the banks of the park’s reservoir and on islets inside after it was discovered that some unscrupulous entrepreneurs have been offering unlicensed camping services to tourists.

The park’s chief said that the illegal use of areas in the park, such as the banks or the islets, to provide camping services to tourists could lead to illegal permanent occupation of land in the park area and eventual claims for land occupation rights.

He said that the entrepreneurs have been providing tents and RV-style dwellings for rent to tourists.

He added, however, that tourists can still use the services of guest houses on rafts, which are properly registered with the park.

Violators can face two years in prison and/or a maximum fine of 200,000 baht if found guilty of breaching the national park laws.