11 July 2024

Airports of Thailand (AOT) Public Company has closed its head office, opposite Don Mueang international airport, and its safety control centre inside the airport, after 31 staffs were found to have contracted COVID-19.

AOT CEO Nitinai Sirisamatthakarn said today that he has ordered the company’s head office closed immediately, for three days, after 19 staff were found to be infected, with the rest of the staff being told to work from home.

Meanwhile, Mr. Samphan Khuthranon, director of Don Mueang international airport, said that he also ordered the safety control centre, located inside the airport, closed temporarily, after 12 staffers tested positive for the virus.

He said that the centre is separated from the other units and from areas frequented by passengers.

Both the head office and the safety control centre will undergo disinfection.