13 July 2024

4.7 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine have been delivered to Thailand’s Public Health Ministry to date, with 1.3 million more scheduled for delivery later this week, as per contract, according to AstraZeneca (Thailand).

This week’s delivery will bring the total of AstraZeneca doses delivered in June to six million as planned. 10 million more doses are expected each month until November and 5 million more in December.

Deliveries of Siam Bioscience’s production of AstraZeneca outside of Thailand will be made in early July, said AstraZeneca (Thailand) President James Teague, following reports of delays.

In early June, it was reported that AstraZeneca vaccine deliveries to the Philippines and Malaysia from Thailand had been delayed, but Siam Bioscience is expected to produce up to 180 million doses for the region, 61 million doses of which or about a third will be for Thailand.

At least 9.14 million vaccine doses have been administered in Thailand to date, with about 2.6 million people now fully inoculated. There are currently three vaccine brands in use in the country – AstraZeneca, Sinovac and Sinopharm, with the first million doses of the latter arriving last week.