11 July 2024

A total of 236 people have died and 2,005 others have been injured in 2,008 road accidents during the six days of Songkran celebrations since April 11th.

According to the Department of Public Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, 39.16% of the road accidents were caused by speeding and 23.95% were caused by drunk driving. 78.39% involved motorcycles, 42.21% of the accidents occurred on main roads of the Highways Department and 29.66% on local roads. 81.37% of the accidents occurred on straight roads.

On Sunday, Kanchanaburi had the most accidents (13), while Chumphon had the most casualties (15). Bangkok had the highest death toll (5).

322,570 cars and motorcycles were stopped for inspection by the police and 48,067 drivers face charges, including 14,177 cases of driving without a driver’s license. 13,127 motorcyclists were also stopped for not wearing crash helmets.

Most accidents took place between midnight and 1am. 9.87% of the deaths and injuries were among people aged from 20 to 29.