11 July 2024
Bangkok Night Club COVID-19

For some reason, many people have this mentality, that they will not get infected with the virus that has been rampaging around the world since early 2020. Elites attend exclusive dinner parties, party-goers go clubbing night after night and many social events have seen attendees standing shoulder-to-shoulder…. all without face masks.

Either people forget that the COVID-19 virus infects indiscriminately, or they are ignorant to the fact that this new kind of virus has killed almost 3 million people and infected hundreds of millions.

A journalist in France attended two exclusive invitation-only events. The whole country got very angry when a video clip of a staff member at one of the events implied that, once the guest steps through the door, “there’s no more COVID.”

It would be nice if there really were such a thing.

While, in Thailand, club-goers party night after night. Such behavior, somehow, only gains attention from the public and the authorities when more than a hundred people in the same club cluster test positive for COVID-19.

In the US, a country that has been ravaged by the pandemic, with the world’s highest number of infections, young people crave the ability to socialize so much that they got together for spring break parties.

Revelers flock to the beach to celebrate spring break, amid the Covid-19 outbreak, in Miami Beach, Florida, last week. (photo by Marco Bello/Reuters)

There are people who have no choice but to risk getting infected, to put food on the table. They are medical personnel and volunteers who risk their lives to attend to the infected.

What about those people, those “special people” who, for some reason, mistakenly believe they cannot get infected with COVID-19?

The human being is a social animal. It is not a surprise that the prolonged lockdown has caused depression, stress and anxiety, small children included, but this restriction of movement will be extended again and again, if everyone in society does not cooperate.

It takes only one infected person, asymptomatic or not, to become a super spreader, and when it happens, an apology will not change anything.

My question is, you “special people”, what should we do with you?

by Kiratikorn Naksompop Blauw