11 July 2024

Out-going US Ambassador Glyn T Davies said today that he sees a positive future for Thailand which he hopes will be a strong, independent, free and prosperous country.

Speaking to reporters at the Defence Ministry after meeting Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan, Davies said the promulgation of the two organic laws on MP elections and senate selection signals the beginning of an important process that will lead to general elections next year.

“The US and Thailand have been friends for over 200 years. We would like to see Thailand as a strong, independent, free and prosperous country,” he said, adding that he also hopes to see great political participation by Thai people.

Davies, who took up the ambassadorship here in 2015, met Gen Prawit to bid farewell as he is finishing his term and will leave Thailand later this month.  He said his successor is in the process of being nominated by President Donald Trump.

Davies said he also thanked Gen Prawit, who is also defence  minister,  for letting American forces to be part of the rescue mission that saved the lives of the 12 Wild Boars soccer team members and their coach in Chiang Rai in July this year.  “We feel very honoured to be part this successful operation,” he said.

The US envoy declined to comment speculation that Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha is likely to return to power after the elections. He only said that the current political development in Thailand at the moment is positive and should lead to a better future.