11 July 2024

Goral (Naemothedus) and serow (Caprycomis Sumatraensis), two endangered wildlife species, only seen on steep mountain cliffs, have recently been separately spotted by Thai park rangers on the Kew Mae Pan natural jungle trail in the Don Inthanon national park, in Chom Thong district of Thailand’s northern province of Chiang Mai.

Mr. Kritsayam Kongsatri, director of national park affairs at the 16th conservation area management office, said today (Monday) that this was the first time that rangers were able to take pictures of a goral on a steep and narrow cliff, after claims of sightings of the rare animal by some villagers.

He said that park rangers also managed to take pictures of a serow, foraging along the same jungle trail.

He explained that the sightings of the two rare wildlife species, which are natural steep mountain climbers, are clear indicationsthat the closure of the Doi Inthanon national park to all tourists during May has allowed the beasts feel safe from human activity and to leave their hiding places.