12 July 2024

Thai health investigators have been looking for an unknown number of people who were in close contact with a Malaysian man, who tested positive for COVID-19 after his return to his home country on August 5th.

Disease Control Department Director-General Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai said today (Monday) that Malaysia’s IHR national focal point had notified its counterpart in Thailand about the infection of the 46-year old Malaysian, who left Thailand for Malaysia on August 5th.

Asymptomatic, the man tested positive in a RT-PCR test on August 15th. He was said to be living in Bangkok and spent most of the time in-doors.

After being notified of the case, Dr. Suwanchai said his department immediately carried out an investigation and contacted its Malaysian counterpart for more information about the Malaysian man’s movements while in Thailand, and the people with whom he was in close contact, in order to track down those people for testing.

He also said that health investigators will also try to discover how the Malaysian man was infected and by whom.