11 July 2024

A group of leading tour operators and hoteliers in Thailand has launched a campaign to reopen the country on July 1, 2021. They say vaccines are a game changer that allow for the reopening of the country and for quarantine requirements to be dropped.

The #OpenThailandSafely campaign, which was launched yesterday (March 2nd) is the initiative of private sector travel companies and hoteliers based in Bangkok, “requesting” the government to reopen Thailand’s borders.

The petition is open to anyone in Thailand or around the world at www.OpenThailandSafely.org.

The campaigners argue that July 1st is an appropriate date for reopening the border because the majority of citizens in the US and Europe will have been vaccinated by then.

It also gives time to Thai medical authorities to vaccinate both front line staff in hospitality settings in Thailand and/or vulnerable citizens around the country.