11 July 2024

Thailand recorded three new COVID-19 infections today (Sunday), as the country enters the second phase of lockdown relaxation.

CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin said that the new cases include a Thai student returning from Pakistan and two others from Egypt. They were all asymptomatic upon their arrival, but they developed symptoms while in quarantine.

Thailand’s cumulative infections to date are 3,028, with 2,856 recoveries. The death toll remains at 56.

Dr. Taweesin said that the Thai Chana (Thais Win) mobile phone app, for online tracking, was formally launched today, as restrictions on ten more business and leisure activities are eased, adding that more than 26,000 businesses in Bangkok and other provinces have registered to use the platform so far.

He explained that the use of the application platform by businesses is not mandatory, but they are asked to cooperate so that officials concerned can monitor the movement of people in business premises, whether they are busy or not.

Many shoppers were seen queuing at the entrances of several shopping malls this morning, as they waited for their turn to scan a QR code with their mobile phones.  Besides the usual temperature screening, all were required to give their mobile phone numbers and to write down their names to confirm that they had visited the malls.

Meanwhile, Dr. Taweesin reminded people to continue to comply with the state emergency, which is due to expire at the end of this month. Any extension of the emergency decree is still under discussion, he said, adding that, if the state of emergency is to be lifted, other laws will have to be imposed to extend certain lockdown measures, such as the ban on in-bound flights.