11 July 2024

Three types of people will be excluded from the new Rao Chana (We Win) subsidy program, under which recipients will receive a 3,500 baht/month cash subsidy for two consecutive months from the taxpayer to help ease their hardship during the second wave of COVID-19.

According to the Facebook page of the Thailand’s Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, those who will not qualify for the payments include:

-About 11 million people already covered by the social security scheme, except those specified in Sections 39 and 40 of the Social Security Act

-About three million Government officials and employees of state enterprises

-People with higher incomes (yet to be defined)

About four million Thai people, who hold state welfare cards,will be automatically eligible for the scheme, without having to register.

For the 15.3 million Thais benefiting from the 50:50 co-payment scheme, the Finance Ministry is considering setting a condition,under which those who earn incomes above a certain limit (to be set) will be excluded and the rest will be automatically eligible, with the 7,000 baht wired into their Pao Tang accounts through the Prompt Pay app.