11 July 2024

Today marks the first anniversary of the Royal Wedding of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand. A website for the Royal court has released a set of pictures, showing the Royal couple visiting a Royal project, which is overseen by the Royal Guards Command.

The project is currently producing face masks, survival kit bags and sanitizer gel, among other items, for free distribution to the public and members of the court offices.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Their Majesties have donated medical equipment, surgical face masks and other necessities to the poor and to various hospitals around the country.

Their Majesties have expressed concern for the wellbeing of their subjects and have been doing their utmost to help alleviate their hardship, according to the website.

One of the pictures shows HM the Queen sewing a face mask together, to be used as a model for mass production by court officials, before distribution to the general public, court officials and their families.

(Photos : Courtesy of the Royal Office)