11 July 2024

The Ministry of Public Health has decided to lower the COVID-19 alert, from Level 3 to Level 2, throughout the country, in line with declining new infections, serious cases and fatalities.

Public Health Permanent Secretary Dr. Kiattibhoom Vongrachit said today (Friday) that, despite the relaxation of restrictions, including the reopening of pubs and bars, there have been no reports of infection clusters and most nightlife operators have been complying with the COVID free setting requirements.

He also said that hospital bed occupancy for COVID-19 patients is now under 10%.

Level 2 is the second lowest out of 5 levels. There is an advisory for people who are over 60, pregnant women, those suffering from underlying diseases, as well as people who are not fully vaccinated or who have not had booster shots.

The advisory suggests refraining from entering entertainment venues or venues which are crowded or with poor air circulation, from activities with many participants, from travelling in any mode of public transport or from travelling abroad.

For the rest, Dr. Kiattibhoom said that they can pursue a normal life, but should comply with “Universal Prevention” measures, which include face mask wearing, social distancing, regular hand washing and vaccination.

He recommended that all people get booster shots, especially people over 60, pregnant women and those with underlying diseases.

Since most of the recent fatalities involve people in these categories, he said that they should strictly comply with the advisory.

Thailand’s COVID-19 infections and fatalities have been on the decline in recent months, with 1,967 new cases and 19 more deaths reported today. Most restrictions have already been relaxed, including a measure to make international arrival easier by scrapping the “Thailand Pass” and TM6 immigration form requirement from July 1.