11 July 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha stated clearly, during a parliamentary debate today (Friday), that he will not resign, after an opposition MP drafted a resignation letter on his behalf.

“Yesterday, there was an effort to get me to resign, with the submission of a resignation letter. You can keep that for yourself. I’m not about to quit,” said the prime minister during his response to opposition allegations related to Akara Mining.

The effort to which Prayut was referring was a resignation letter tweeted late Thursday night, by Pheu Thai MP Tassanee Buranupakorn from Chiang Mai Province, written on behalf of Prayut.

Apparently intended put more pressure on Prayut, the two-paragraph draft included the PM’s admission to his failures in public administration and the announcement of his resignation. It prompted thousands of reactions on the platform.

In response to Prayut’s remark, that Tassanee should keep the letter for her own use, the Chiang Mai MP took to Twitter and said that she has no doubts over the prospects for her re-election.

“Mr. Prime Minister, I was voted for by the people. I did not steal power from anyone. I am the result of an election. I am not afraid to run in a new election.”