11 July 2024

As the COVID-19 situation in Thailand gradually improves, the National Infectious Disease Committee has approved the limited reopening of three types of business.

The first are businesses which provide life’s basic necessities, including non-air conditioned barber shops, wet markets and open-air food shops.

The second type are those with a large customer base and have an impact on the economy, such as shopping malls, restaurants and Thai massage parlors.

The third type are those which help to improve health, such as fitness centres, gyms and spas.

Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said that, after four months of effort fighting COVID-19, the country has achieved a certain level of success in controlling the disease, adding that the businesses which do reopen must strictly observe social distancing and other anti-viral measures.

The committee also approved a plan to increase testing among high-risk groups, from 2,000 per 1,000,000 of the population to 5,000, in order to find those infected before they can spread the disease.

People at high-risk include medical personnel, new prison inmates, workers who are in constant contact with many people, such as bus drivers, ticket collectors and postmen.