12 July 2024

A panel of specialists at the Thai Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) has approved the use of Chinese-made Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines in children aged 6 and above without adjusting the dosage, said TFDA Secretary-General Dr. Paisarn Dunkum yesterday.

The TFDA has also asked the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) and the Biogenetech Company, two importers of Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines from China, to send more information to back up their requests to expand the use of the two vaccines to children, aged 3 to 17.

Meanwhile, Dr. Opart Karnkawinpong, director-general of the Disease Control Department, said on Facebook live yesterday that access to alternative vaccines for young children would help contain the spread of COVID-19 among them, noting that infection in the 5-11 and 12-17 age groups has increased by 6% and 5.6% respectively this year, compared to the period from last April to December.

123,408 children in the 5-11 age group and 111,952 aged 12-17 were found to be infected in that period but, from January 1st until February 2nd this year, 13,600 and 10,226 in the two age groups tested positive for the virus.

Dr. Opart also said there is no need to import more Sinovac vaccine as there are still more than 30 million doses in stock.

Vaccination of young children is voluntary, he said, adding that the TFDA is responsible for ensuring the safety of the vaccines to be administered on children.

Today (Saturday), the COVID-19 Information Centre reported 10,273 infections diagnosed using RT-PCR tests, the first day to have exceeded 10,000 this year, There were also 21 fatalities. 8,479 people have recovered and 88,463 are still undergoing treatment.

Infections are steadily on the rise, from 7,422 cases on February 1st to 8,587 cases on February 2nd, 9,172 cases on February 3rd, 9,909 cases yesterday and 10,273 today. The figures do not include positive rapid antigen test results.