11 July 2024

Myanmar military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing said he will consider proposals by ASEAN to solve the ongoing crisis in Myanmar after peace and stability is restored in his country.

It is seen as the first known response by the general to the ASEAN leaders’ “five-point consensus” designed to find a peaceful solution to the bloody turmoil that has gripped Myanmar since he seized power on February 1.

A statement issued by the governing body of the regime, the State Administration Council (SAC), quoted Min Aung Hlaing as saying that stability is the current priority in the crisis-hit country.

“The Senior General said he would emphasize considering suggestions given to Myanmar with constructive attitudes compared with the current situations at home,” the junta leader said.

In the consensus statement, the ASEAN leaders call for an immediate halt to violence in Myanmar and for all parties to exercise self-restraint. They also urge a constructive dialogue among all parties concerned to find a peaceful solution while seeking the creation of an ASEAN special envoy to facilitate mediation and dialogue.  They also propose a visit by the special envoy and a delegation to Myanmar to meet with all parties involved in the crisis.

“By giving priority to peace and stability of the state, the visits to Myanmar proposed by the ASEAN will be considered after stabilizing the country,” said Min Aung Hlaing who also attended the ASEAN summit in Jakarta last Saturday.

Min Aung Hlaing said he told the summit that their suggestions would be positively considered as long as they facilitated the implementation of the five-step roadmap laid down by SAC in the aftermath of the coup.

The SAC’s statement also said the general briefed the ASEAN leaders on recent developments in Myanmar and the reason for the military takeover which he blamed on what he claimed to be widespread fraud in the general elections last November.