11 July 2024

Anti-government protesters have ended their rally at Sanam Luang after submitting the so-called “10-point manifesto” aimed at reforming the monarchy to the Privy Council this morning.

The demand was submitted through metropolitan police chief Pol Lt Gen Pakkapong Pongpetra after the protesters were blocked from approaching the headquarters of the Privy Council which is located a short distance from Sanam Luang where they had been rallying since yesterday afternoon.

Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul, one of the protest leaders, had asked to submit the demand with a representative of the Privy Council but after negotiations with the police agreed to leave it with the metropolitan police chief.

The 10-point demand, which was earlier read out at the rally site, is aimed at reforming the monarchy.  It includes scrapping of the draconian lese majeste law, an end to glorification of the Royal Family, a reduction in public funding for the monarchy and abolishing of the Privy Council, advisors to the King.

The protesters had earlier threatened to march to the Government House but later changed their mind and moved toward the office of the Privy Council instead.

After submitting the demand, the protesters returned to Sanam Luang before dispersing.     Protest leaders have scheduled another major rally for October 14.


Protest leader Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul negotiating with police near the office of the Privy Council.