11 July 2024

Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company (BEM) has launched an investigation into how rainwater leaked into an MRT train carriage and offered an assurance to the public that all its trains are equipped with devices to prevent electrical short circuits and an electrical earthing system to prevent shocks.

The company’s action comes after water leaked into an MRT Blue Line train carriage during heavy rain at about 6.35pm yesterday, as it was travelling between Taopoon and Tha Phra stations. A passenger was seen using an umbrella to shelter from the water dripping from the roof of the carriage.

BEM issued a statement today, saying that officials undertook a preliminary investigation when the train arrived at Tha Phra station and ordered the transfer of all the passengers to another train.  The train in question was also taken out of service, pending the outcome of a full investigation into the cause of the leaks.

BEM said that the incident might have raised concerns about the safety of passengers and risk of electrical short circuit or shock, but assured that the trains are safe.