11 July 2024

What Thai children and teenagers want most as a gift for the National Children’s Day  from the post-election government is free access to quality education up to university level, according to an opinion survey of Nida Poll.

On the occasion of the National Children’s Day tomorrow, Nida Poll of the National Institute of Development Administration gauged the opinions of 1,270 people aged from 12 years upward of different levels of education and occupations across the country during January 7-9.

The poll shows that 30 percent of the respondents want access to quality education for all as a gift from the new government; 29.75 percent want free education up to university level; 19.69 percent want the new government to help promote and develop teachers and educational personnel; 6.85 percent want the development of the curricula of vocational education; 3.23 percent want access to high-speed internet at schools; 2.99 percent want to see the admission system be rectified and 2.83 percent want the new government to get rid of under-the-table kickback admission fees from schools.

On their dream occupations, 15.83 percent of the respondents want to become entrepreneurs and beauticians; 12.40 percent want to become teachers; 11.87 percent want to serve in government service; 11.61 percent want to be doctors or nurses; and 5 percent wat to become engineers, architects or designers.

Dream occupations that parents want their children to take:  30.08 percent of the respondents want their children to serve in government services; 15.82 percent want their children to be doctors or nurses; 13.36 percent want their children to have their own businesses, such as trading or opening beauty salons; 7.30 percent want their children to be teachers and 5 percent want their children to be business people.

The qualifications that adults want to see among children are as follows:  39.69 percent want youths to be disciplined and follow rules and regulations; 38.03 percent want youths to be ethical, selfless and assisting the society; 36.38 want youths to be patient and have endurance; 27.17 percent want youths to have critical thinking; 26.69 percent want youths to be creative and think out of the box; 19.21 percent want youths to be resourceful and eager to learn more; 16.61 percent want youths to be proficient in foreign languages.

52.41 percent of parents object to admission tests for Prathom 1 primary education while 25.25 percent agree with the tests.