11 July 2024

At least for now, it is legally all right to sing, listen or share the controversial rap song, “Prathet Koo Me” because so far there has been no evidence to substantiate charges against those responsible for writing and singing the song and producing the music video,  deputy police chief Pol Gen Sivara Rangsibrahmanakul on Monday.

The song, which is critical of the Thai society and the junta in particular, has become an instant sensation attracting more than ten million views so far since it was uploaded on YouTube  a week ago.

Pol Gen Sivara said he had listened to the rap song, specifically the part referring to a black panther which could be interpreted as a reference to his role in investigating the high-profile hunting case.

But he said he didn’t find the contents or any part of the song illegal and hence, for the time being, there was no need to summon anyone for questioning.

Pol Gen Sivara, however, said that a complaint had been lodged with the Technology Crime Suppression Division against a media outlet which falsely stated in the social media that police had detained some suspects related to the case.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, meanwhile, urged members of the public not to attach importance to the music video and to use their judgement in listening to the music.

In response to Sivara’s statement that the rap song is so far not considered to be illegal, one of Rap Against Dictatorship rap group, Nutthapong Srimoung posted a message in his Facebook page asking whether it is now all right for him to pursue a normal life, to compose songs and to do his thesis.