11 July 2024
Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha denied today that the young footballers trapped in Tham Luang cave were tranquilized before being put on the journey out to freedom but admitted that they took anxiolytic to relieve anxiety.

There had been speculation that since all of the 13 survivors had no diving experience and most cannot swim and diving their way out of the cave could be a frightening experience, they might have to be given tranquilizers before embarking of the high-risk journey.

Speaking after the weekly Cabinet meeting, Gen Prayut dismissed the speculation but admitted that the so-called Wild Boars soccer team members were given anxiolytic to reduce their anxiety.

Gen Prayut also hailed the rescue mission as a success for both Thai and international rescue team members.  “We defied advice against having them dive their way out of the cave.  We have done it successfully. We all should be proud of that,” he said.

The prime minister said he will send note of thanks to all the governments and organizations that contributed to the rescue mission.