11 July 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said today he had no intention to truncate the oath he took during the swearing-in ceremony in front of His Majesty the King last month, but will settle the issue himself.

“It will be settled because I did not intend to make the mistake. They look at the intention,” said the Prime Minister during his inspection trip in the southern province of Yala today.

Meanwhile, former legal advisor to the now defunct Thai Raksa Chart Party, Mr. Ruangkrai Leekitwattana, submitted a petition to attorney-general, Mr. Khemchai Chutiwong, demanding he ask the Constitutional Court to rule on the constitutionality of the Prime Minister’s incomplete recital of the oath.

Ruangkrai claims that the Prime Minister violated the Constitution and, hence, his presentation of the government’s policy statement in parliament should be regarded as null and void.

Spokesman for the Office of the Attorney-General, Mr. T้harum Chaleechan, said the OAG would consider whether it could forward Ruangkrai’s case to the Constitutional Court.

He said if there is no response from the OAG within 15 days, Ruangkrai could take the case directly to the Constitutional Court.