11 July 2024

Move Forward party leader and prime ministerial candidate Pita Limjaroenrat has assets worth about Bt85 million and about Bt20 million in debt, as declared to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on March 20 after the completion of his four-year term as a member of parliament.

Pita’s declared assets include:

  • Bt8 million in cash
  • Bt286,045.7 in deposits in 27 bank accounts
  • Bt1,346,698.98  in investments
  • Bt15 million in loans extended to others
  • Land worth Bt18 million
  • A school and land worth about Bt15 million
  • Vehicles worth Bt2.14 million
  • Concession rights worth about Bt19.4 million
  • Other assets worth about Bt12 million

His declared liabilities are:

  • 807,414 in bank overdrafts
  • Bt9 million in other debt

On top of that, he has declared his 42,000 iTV shares, worth Bt44,100.

His annual income amounts to about Bt5.1 million, which includes Bt1.36 million in salaries, Bt13.6 million from the sale of a condominium unit, Bt936,000 from the sale of two cars and Bt431,712 from the sale of books.

While serving as an MP, Pita declared that his annual revenues averaged Bt3.4 million. His declared status is single with one child after his divorce from his wife on December 9, 2019.