11 July 2024

Officials of the Livestock Development Department have seized 1,089 pigs from two pig farms in Muang district of Chachoengsao province after urine tests show positive result of red meat enhancer.

More than 100 livestock development officials took part in the raid on five pig farms in Muang district to investigate allegation of the use of red meat enhancing chemicals in the farms.

Urine tests were conducted on 7,659 pigs in the five farms and 1,089 pigs from two farms confirmed the use of red meat enhancer.

The officials also tested pork meat in eight slaughter houses which show negative result for the use of the chemicals.

The department director-general Mr Soravit Thaneeto said that officials from the department would check all pigs farms and slaughterhouses to make sure that red meat enhancer was not used for the sake of safety of consumers.

Use of red meat enhancer is liable to a maximum imprisonment of three years and/or a fine of 60,000 baht.

He said that positive test results of the 1,089 pigs would be sent to a laboratory of the department for confirmation after which legal action would be taken against the two farms which were found to have used red meat enhancer.