12 July 2024

The Bang Sue Grand Station has been designated, by the Transport Ministry, to be an on-site COVID-19 vaccination centre for about 370,000 workers in the public transport sector, such as bus, taxi and motorcycle taxi drivers, as well as those working for app-based delivery services.

Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob and senior officials of the State Railway of Thailand visited the station today (Friday), to check on the readiness of the facility, which is due to become operational on Monday.

The Transport Ministry has asked the Public Health Ministry for an allocation of a sizeable batch of vaccine doses, enough to inoculate about 370,000 workers, with the first 60,000 doses to be injected at the Bang Sue Grand Station.

Vaccinations will be available from Monday, from 9am until 8pm, until the end of the month, with an average of 10,000 people being inoculated each day, said Saksayam.

Those who want to get vaccinated will go through temperature screening, a weight and blood pressure check, registration via QR code and will need to sign a consent form for vaccination. The facility can handle about 900 people per hour.

The inoculation process takes about 15 minutes, after which those injected must wait in the rest area for another 30 minutes for observation, in case any undesirable side effects develop.

Saksayam said that the Transport Ministry has arranged convenient public transport for those who want to receive the jabs.