11 July 2024

As several northern provinces continue to be battered with torrential rain which is expected to taper off by the end of this month, the northern meteorological centre on Wednesday issued a warning to northern farmers to conserve water, saying that cold season will come soon to be followed by dry season starting early next year.

Mr Methi Mahayotnan, director of the northern meteorological centre, said Wedesday that combined volume of rainfall in the northern region this was estimated to be less than 600 mm which is about 50 percent less than normal.

He said the rainy season for the North would end sooner with rain expected to ease by the end of this month and substantially ease next month with the onset of the cold season to be followed by dry season.

He warned that the dry season next year might last for a long period of time, hence, people in the region, especially farmers, should use their water sparingly.

The hydro-electric Bhumibol dam in Tak province is 61 percent full and only five million cubic metres of water are being drained downstream each day to conserve water for use in the dry season.

The Chiang Mai irrigation office has also take steps to conserve water at Mae Ngad Somboonchon and Mae Kwang Udomthara dams which are now 56 percent and 38 percent full in preparation for the long summer, said Mr Methi.