11 July 2024

A man has been held by police for questioning after he was accused of killing horses and selling their meat in Thailand’s eastern province of Chonburi.

Chonburi police arrested of Mr. Nirun Kamlon, 33, at his house in Tambon Takhien of Banglamung district, on Saturday on the orders of the provincial governor. The Watchdog Thailand Foundation had lodged a complaint with the governor that a Thai man has been killing horses and selling their meat on Facebook and in fresh markets in the district for a long time.

Police found the skull of a horse and dried blood stains in Nirun’s house. A horse and one piece of, what is believed to be, the shin bone of a horse were found in the backyard of his house.

The suspect reportedly told the police that he was involved in the horse meat trade with his grandfather until his death, after which he carried on with the business.

He claimed that he bought horses, which were no longer usable or had broken legs, from stables in Banglamung district and then hired a butcher to kill the horses, adding that only sold horse meat.

He further claimed that only 5-6 disabled horses were killed for their meat and he had already stopped the business a few months ago after a road accident, which left him with a broken leg.

As for the horse found in the backyard of his house, he said the horse was meant to be sold to anyone who wants to set it free.

Police said the suspect faces charges of torturing animals.