11 July 2024

Two men who were allegedly involved in the twin bombing of Big C Super Store in the southern province of Pattani in 2017 were today sentenced to life imprisonment by the Pattani Provincial Court.

Suhaimee Sama-ae and Sama-ae Mama, were initially condemned to death, but the court commuted the sentence to life imprisonment after they confessed to the crime.

Relatives of the two convicts said they would appeal against the verdict.

Security forces believe that there were others who were involved in the bombing of the department store which left 56 people injured, but only Suhaimee and Sama-ae were arrested and tried.

The defendants confessed to have killed the owner of a pickup truck which was then packed with gas cylinders stuffed with explosives and then driven to the car park of the store.  A motorcycle with a bomb was also parked at another spot in the store’s car park.

The perpetrators detonated the motorcycle bomb first and the bomb on the pick-up truck afterward.