11 July 2024

In an exclusive interview with Nattha Komolvadhin on July 5th, H.E. Mr. Waldemar Dubaniowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Thailand, remained positive about the future of the European Union and Poland, regardless of the new British prime minister’s Brexit policy.

The ambassador said that the Polish economy is strong enough, citing that, during the economic crisis of 2008, Poland was the only European economy able to maintain GDP growth, adding that Polish workers will be able to adjust well to the new situation.

He said that, even if the UK leaves the EU, leaving 27 countries in the group, he hoped they remain good friends.

“27 plus an additional friend like the UK. We already have a close friendship with Switzerland, with Norway, which are not EU members but are very good friends of Europe” said the Ambassador.

He said that it would be a good idea for ASEAN to look at the EU as a model and avoid some of the mistakes which have been made.

Poland is currently the 6th largest economy in the EU.