11 July 2024

The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights on today issued a statement condemning the use of violence against pro-election activist Ekachai Hongkangwan who had been physically attacked and demanding the government to order an investigation into the case so that the perpetrators will be arrested and prosecuted.

Ekachai lodged a complaint with the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights on Wednesday, claiming that he was attacked by five unidentified men as he was arriving home after filing a complaint at the Government House demanding a probe into an alleged corruption case.

Ekachai told officials at the TLHR that two men riding on a motorcycle followed him to his house since he disembarked from a bus.  As he was approaching his house, the two men dismounted from the bike and started beating him up with their crash helments.

Shortly afterward, three other assailants emerged from their hiding and joined in the attack, using wooden clubs.  But he later managed to flee into his house.

After the incident, Ekachai lodged a complaint with Lat Phrao police before he went to the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights to file a complaint.

In the statement, the TLHR expressed over the use of violence against Ekachai, saying that the activist merely exercised his free expression in accordance with his constitutional rights.

Besides occasional physical attacks against the activist by perpetrators, the lawyer group the activist also faces intimidation, arrest and detention by state officials.