11 July 2024
The Meteorological Department has warned people across the country to brace for intense rains, with heavy rains in some parts of the northern, northeastern, central, eastern and southern regions which may result in flash floods starting tomorrow until July 19.

During the July 13-19 , waves in the Andaman Sea are expected to be 2-3 meters high due to strong wind, sailors and fishermen were warned to exercise caution when venturing out to sea while small boats were told to stay put. The Gulf from Nakhon Si Thammarat upward will also experience rough sea.

People living along the western coast of the southern region and the eastern coast were told to brace for danger from strong wind and high waves pushing toward the shoreline.

The turbulent weather was attributable to monsoon trough blowing through the upper part of northern Laos and Vietnam toward the low-pressure cell over Tonkin Bay while the southwestern monsoon which is looming over the Andaman Sea and the Gulf is gaining strength.

Members of the public can keep up with weather updates by calling the Weatherman hotline at 1182 around the clock or log into its website http://www.tmd.go.th .