12 July 2024

The Royal College of Physicians of Thailand (RCPT) is urging the government to try harder and faster to procure sufficient, quality vaccines, including alternatives, to inoculate people in Thailand, to build herd immunity as quickly as possible.

RCPT Chairman Dr. Anutra Chittinandana said today (Tuesday) that, in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, which is seeing a continuing surge of new infections, the board of the RCPT has found it necessary to issue a second position statement on the issue of vaccines.

In the statement, issued today, the RCPT is urging the government to procure quality vaccines, of all makes, which are efficacious against mutated coronavirus, to be administered to the population, especially to those who are yet to receive their first dose.

It is also urging the government to remove bureaucratic red tape, which causes delays in the procurement of vaccines, and to provide financial support for the research and development of locally produced vaccines.

Regarding the distribution of vaccines, the RCPT is demanding that the government develop a clear and transparent vaccine management system, to make sure there is no political interference or preference in vaccine distribution.

The people must be vaccinated as fast as possible, said the RCPT, adding that everybody must protect themselves too, by refraining from social activities which draw people together, wearing face masks all the time while in public and strictly observing social distancing.