11 July 2024

The Government Housing Bank’s (GHB) special low interest housing loans, worth 450 million baht in total, were fully subscribed in just 36 seconds, according to the state-run bank.

The special loans were offered to the public during the “Golden Minute” held at the 22nd Money Expo from 3pm on Sunday. Borrowers subscribed to the special loan scheme via the GHB ALL mobile application.

Customers were advised to contact the GHB or its branch offices by June 15th to submit their formal applications for the housing loans and sign loan contracts by July 29th.

The loans carry a 0.69% interest rate for the first year and an average rate of 2.023% for the first three years.

More information about the loans and the terms is available by calling 0-2645-9000 or via the bank’s webpage: www.ghbank.co.th; the ban’s Facebook page and the GHB ALL app.